Category: Kidsbridge Kommentary

Op eds

  • What we can learn from

    — By Lynne Azarchi, Special to the Times of Trenton, Saturday, May 17, 2008 Miley Cyrus’s topless photos (but for a satin bed sheet) appear in an up coming issue of Vanity Fair. Britney Spears is addicted to drugs and lost custody of her children. Jamie Lynn Spears, a child, is pregnant with a child,…

  • A world of real role models

    —By Lynne Azarchi, Special to the Times of Trenton, Friday, January 11, 2008 Recent headlines about famous baseball figures and their performance­enhancing drug abuse should not come as a shock to us. The challenge facing parents and fans alike is dealing with yet another wake­up call regarding values, celebrity and what it means to be…