Middle & High School Exhibits


The Darfur exhibit facilitates engagement in issues surrounding the modern-day genocide going on in Darfur. The exhibit contains children’s artwork by children in Darfur in response to the on-going violence in their daily lives and provides a visual and powerful representation of this horrific manifestation of prejudice, discrimination and racial genocide. Empathy and empowerment exercises are an integral part of this curriculum.

Kid Heroes

Kid Heroes
Visitors to the Kid Heroes room will look at kid heroes their age, listen to inspirational stories of young heroes, collaborate with classmates on who can be called a hero, and ultimately to see the heroes within.


LGBT Sensitivity
In small group discussions, middle school and high school students will learn how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) people are bullied in and outside of school. Student’s will learn why phrases like “That’s so gay” are harmful to LGBT people and even their allies. Students further learn the skills needed to educate their peers and adults back at school on the damage caused to LGBT people when hateful words and phrases are used. Students will also learn what makes a good LGBT ally. Furthermore, students address common misconceptions and stereotypes about LGBT people and learn about the diversity of LGBT people and their families as every day citizens and as celebrities.

Media Literacy

Media Literacy
Media Literacy

In small group discussions, students will learn to not always trust what is covered by the media by comparing and contrasting news reports. Students will gain the skills needed to judge what is accurate versus what might be biased news. Also, students will watch TV clips that are mean i.e. making fun of others, humiliating others, excluding others and then analyze why we watch cruelty on the TV and Internet and discuss how we should feel watching unkind, cruel behavior.

In small group discussions, students will learn that cyberbullying exists across a broad technological spectrum such as over the phone, cell phones, computers, etc. Students will gain an understanding of what constitutes cyberbullying such as name calling, threats, verbal harassment, and so forth. Students will learn the repercussions and harms of cyberbullying both at home, within the school, and with law enforcement. Students will acquire the skills needed to address cyberbullying both within and outside the school community and be given resources needed to effectively put an end to their own or their friends’ cyberbullies.

[pl_button type=”kidsbridge” link=”https://kidsbridgecenter.org/tolerance-museum/middle-high-school/”]See the middle, high school overview[/pl_button]