Message from Board Chair

Cindy Ricker

Board Chair

I was introduced to Kidsbridge in 2017 and haven’t looked back since.  Our children today have a difficult journey. From a young age, social media can expose them to bias and discrimination in ways children didn’t face in earlier generations.  

I know how painful bias can be. As a middle school student I was “teased” incessantly for a physical difference. It was a miserable time in my young life. The “teasing” I experienced would be called “bullying” today.

This personal experience could have easily molded me into a very different person. All of us make choices that shape us – do I act bitter and angry, or do I find a way to rise above the bullies?  Having children of my own and experiencing this pain myself made me realize how important it was to teach my kids kindness and compassion for others from a very early age.  

Kidsbridge helps all our children grow into empathetic and caring individuals. Our programs teach them to be Upstanders, not just bystanders. We address bullying, cyberbullying, diversity and bias and teach our kids to be positive advocates for themselves and others.  Please make time to read more about what we do and support these transformative programs. All our young people are the future of our community, and today more than ever we need empathy, kindness and respect for others in our lives, our neighborhoods and across our region.

With very kind regards,

Cindy Ricker, Board Chair