KIDSBRIDGE@Home – Week 8

Day 36 – Movement Monday
May 18: Pillowcase Island 

Lalo’s cousin, Ashley texted him. “Want to go to an island?” “What?!” Lalo texted back. “Lol – it’s a pillowcase island!” Ashley replied. “Oh?” Lalo was still confused.  She continued, “I’ll email you the activity from my teacher. You can play with your family.” Click here to find out how to go to Pillowcase Island! Run your mouse over the stick figure here to watch it dance.

Day 37 – Tuneful Tuesday
May 19: A Capella 

Anita wanted to surprise Grandfather when they had their next Skype visit. Grandfather liked silly songs. Anita was practicing the song she had chosen out loud: “A peanut sitting on a railroad track, his heart was all a flutter. Along came the 5:15. Whoo, Whoo, peanut butter!” Anita sang without any other instruments to help her. Find out more about this type of music!

Day 38 – Creative Wednesday
May 20: Rubbings

Juan just learned that his great grandfather worked on a ship when he was young. The ship went all the way to Japan, and Juan‘s great grandfather brought back this rubbing of a fish! Juan found a video about it and tried it himself.

Day 39 – Discovery Thursday
May 21: Gratitude Paper Chain

Arco really likes and misses his teacher, Ms. Bridge. He remembered the time she taught them to make a paper chain. “If I make a chain for her,” Arco thought, “she will know that I liked doing the activity, and I can show her more things about why she is a nice teacher. Keep reading to see exactly how Arco made the chain!

Day 40 – Outdoors Friday
May 22: Moon

These people are making mochi, a Japanese special treat. What in the world does mochi have to do with the moon? Iris knows. Click here and you will know, too.